Lawrence Dennis versus Karl Marx

Orthodox Marxists of the 19th century type preached that capitalism could only work if the system ground down the faces of the workers, that is, kept down their wages and living standards.

American Nationalist thinker Lawrence Dennis countered that by the 20th century capitalism could only survive by promoting a continuous rise in consumption and living standards. That was the American experience until the time of Reagan.

Marx formulated his basic theory around 1840, time of the darkest moments of the industrial revolution in England. For an English worker, the minimal cost of living was 14 shillings a week. Yet the average wage was 8 shillings, not much more than half of what it took to survive. Hence, women working and an abundance of child labor.

Marx taught there was no way out. Revolution was the only answer. Trade unions and the like were futile. Hence the slogan: Abolish the wages system!

But even before Marx expired in 1883, this had begun to change. By 1875 the cost of living had risen to 15 shillings a week. But wages had also risen to 15 shillings a week. British historian Arnold Toynbee would later write that this was the first time unskilled labor earned enough to survive.

Now, since the advent of Reagan, we may be moving back to the 19th century world. Read some of the novels of Charles Dickens.

Dennis located the key contradiction of the system in the chronic tendency of a free market economy to underconsumption. The challenge is how to provide for a rise in consumption without resort to war.

This is the topic of our next Blog.

Revolution in the Air! Is Uncle Sam Next?

With the US client-regime of Hosni Mubarak in Egypt all wobbly at the moment, the politically incorrect question would be: Could it happen here? The short answer is No. (That’s short answer in the short run.)

Recent revolutions around the world have started out as pieces of upper-class political theatre using the unwashed masses as stage props. That’s the long and the short of it.

Just as most terrorism today is state-sponsored terrorism with this or that government behind it, similarly the recent revolutions seem to have the fingerprints of differing intelligence agencies behind them. A classic case was the charade of the ‘Orange Revolution’ in Ukraine which was an Anglo-American psy-ops gambit from the git-go.

In the USA, an increasing restive population has periodic elections to let off steam. Parties & politicians come and go but the policies remain the same. Sick of the Bush-Cheney disaster? Then try a little black face.

Right now, the American Oligarchy–itself a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Global Financial Elite–feels secure enough that it doesn’t feel the need to stage manage anything. The one putative opposition force, the Tea Party, has been co-opted and is just one monster in the swamp of Inside-the-Beltway politics.

That’s it for the short run. How about the long term? Well, there might not be a long term. Medium term is more like it. Kevin Philips argued forcefully in his 2006 book, AMERICAN THEOCRACY, that every world-dominating power from ancient Rome to the British Empire came to be brought down by a related set of causes including global overreach, militant religion, resource shortages and ballooning debt. Yet both the Obama Regime and the Republican opposition are committed to the status quo. They live for the moment and not for the long term. As Keynes wrote, in the long term we’re all dead.

Greatly aiding the Establishment in keeping the lid on is the nature of the American people. Lawrence Dennis summed it up best in his 1932 book IS CAPITALISM DOOMED?:

“Americans are the most organized, standardized, regimented and docile people in the world.”

Francis Parker Yockey said much the same thing in IMPERIUM. Yet he held out hope. In his masterwork IMPERIUM, the chapter entitled “The Future of America” contains the following KEY:

“Despite the extent of Culture-distortion and its attempts to render a People into a feckless, uniformed mass, there are millions of people who have held themselves instinctively aloof.

“These people are the focus of great historical forces. They fight against gigantic odds and fight under enormous handicaps.

“The primary objective, it then appears, gigantic odds and handicaps aside, is to reach those millions who have held themselves instinctively aloof.

“And these people MUST be reached if we are to survive–reached with all possible speed and with the correct solution to the problem at hand.”

No Direction Home–An Epitaph for Our Times

President Obama’s State of the Union address could be called ‘No Direction Home.’ I was reminded of Martin Scorsese’s 2005 documentary “No Direction Home” which was about Bob Dylan’s rise to fame & fortune in the 1960s. The title comes from a throw-away line from Dylan’s song “Like a Rolling Stone.”

The documentary was unintentionally sad since Bob Dylan has been adrift and aimless since the Sixties. He’s been all over the place. He started out as a folksinger in the radical folk milieu which emerged from the Communist Party periphery, i.e. Woody Guthrie, Pete Seeger, et al. That gave him a purpose however dubious it might be. Then he wanted to be a rocker. Then he did an album as a Jesus freak. Another as a super Jew. And so it goes. Most were impossible to listen to. But he made a good living with small concerts, coasting for 40 years on his Sixties celebrity status. He might be awful but he was cool and hip. Go figure.

Dylan songs like “Blowin’ in the Wind”, made into a big hit by Peter, Paul & Mary, made him the troubadour of the Civil Rights movement. But that movement is a failure. A freak poll conducted about 10 years ago surprisingly showed a plurality, if not a majority, to the LEFT of the Democrats on bread n’ butter issues but to the RIGHT of the Republicans on civil rights issues. So much for the romance of the Sixties.

Back to Obama: Left journalist Alexander Cockburn said that Obama’s whole presidential campaign, with its empty sloganeering, made no sense except for him being black. He stood for nothing but hope. The subliminal message was we were to vote for him on faith so we could feel good about ourselves.

The snow job worked. But now we have Dubya in black face. He continued the Bush bailout of Wall Street at the expense of Main Street. He expanded the Bush wars. And the USA decline has speeded up.

Little wonder he couldn’t offer anything concrete in his SOTU address.

In the meantime, the putative Leader of the Opposition, Sarah Palin, has been hiding out in her Alaska bunker since the shootings in Arizona.

No Direction Home!

Sarah Palin has her tit in a wringer bec…

Sarah Palin has her tit in a wringer because she placed a target symbol on Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) who lies critically wounded in a Tuscon hospital, the victim of a shooting. Any direct connection? Probably not. At first glance the shooter in custody appears to be a bona fide lunatic. This would make the wounding of 20 and killing of 6 more like Columbine and Virginia Tech than anything political.

The authorities are looking for an additional ‘person of interest’ who was spotted on a security video. He might just be a slick off the street who wandered in front of the camera. Or, he could be the ‘handler’ who now lies buried in the desert sands. Or, he could be another lunatic running for his life. We don’t know.

What we DO know is that Sarah Palin placed a target symbol on the now wounded Congresswoman. Why? I wouldn’t place a target symbol on anybody unless I intended to do the dirty deed. And I wouldn’t do it in public. That’s the province of underground paramilitaries. That is, if we’re talking about serious people.

But there’s something less than serious about the whole Palin operation. They’re trying to use Old West symbolism for good old fashioned but decidedly 21st Century money-making. Establishing a certain persona is part of the act.

But is it real? Hell no! Kurt Nimmo of said it best:

“Sarah Palin is not an anti-government radical–she is part of the establishment Republican party . . .”

And we might add that Rep. Giffords is an Eastablishment Democrat. closer to the likes of Joe Lieberman than, say, Dennis Kucinich.

So Sarah Palin using target symbolism is unserious and careless. Just part of the all-around escalation of bullshit in the country.

Kurt Nimmo goes on:

“Sarah Palin is obviously a creation of the establishment. She was appointed the unofficial leader of the Tea Party movement after a large part of it was craftily transformed by operatives into a harmless cheerleading section for the Republican party. Palin’s handlers made sure she publicly kissed the ring of top level Rockefeller minion and notorious unapprehended war criminal Henry Kissinger.

“The Tea Party movement originally established by Libertarians and Ron Paul and subsequently co-opted and brought trance-like into the Republican party hive is not a threat to the establishment.

“The real Tea Party not co-opted by Republicans is the obvious target of what may yet turn out to be another staged event. Sarah Palin is the television reality show queen and propped up figurehead of an orchestrated movement funded in part by the CIA operative Richard Mellon Scaife. The CIA has perfected the art of undermining and destroying indigenous political movements in opposition to the ruling elite and their power structures and institutions.”

I would add that what the CIA does abroad they also do here at home.

Stay tuned.

Tea Party and the Irish Crisis

What does the Tea Party movement, the officially-sanctioned, ersatz opposition in the USA have to say about the Irish crisis? This is the crisis whereby the IMF–read Global Financial Elite–is imposing ‘austerity’–read Great Depression conditions–on the Irish people to bail-out 6 big Zombie banks in the Republic of Ireland. What does the Tea Party have to say? This is one of the defining moments of our time. As the wag says, the silence is deafening. The Tea Party has nothing to say.

The Irish, along with the Germans, are the ancestral base of the European majority in America. Yet there is silence. If it were the Israelis being crushed by the International Banksters, you better believe there’d be one hell of a hue-and-cry. But it is the Irish. Ireland is being hurled back to its historical status as an English-speaking Third World country. (Britsih imperialism sure did a job on Ireland.)

So what happened? Ireland in the 1970s became a target of international investment. The combination of historically low wages, an English-speaking and educated population and membership in the EU was too hard to resist. All kinds of plants were built. (My HP printer cartridges all seem to be built either in Ireland or Malaysia.) Then came the inevitable housing and construction bubble. When it popped, the Global Financial Elite pulled more than 20% of the funds from the major Irish banks. That left them insolvent–Zombie Banks, if you were–hence the crisis.

Like with TARP in the USA, the real villains of the piece are being bailed out. We could go on but you know the picture.

Back to the beginning: Why the silence from the Tea Party? Because they are owned lock, stock & barrel by the Neocons who are the outriders for the Global Financial Elite. This also explains why the Israelis will never be victimized by these same Banksters.

What’s happening to Ireland will soon be happening in America. Already the Obama Regime, in league with the Republicans in Congress, has a deficit commission which is really a committee of 100 millionaires. Their eyes are set on Social Security.

Do I hear Mass Strike?

Attacking the Killer Virgins! David Duke…

Attacking the Killer Virgins! David Duke is only the latest pamphleteer to blame those awful Europeans for indoctrinating virginal Americans with Political Correctness. Duke is merely following the trail blazed earlier by Pat Buchanan in his best-selling book, THE DEATH OF WEST.

The alleged culprit is the Frankfurt School which was exiled from Germany to the USA during the time of Hitler. The Frankfurt School is described as a particularly nasty piece of work engaged in a malevolent Judeo-Bolshevik scheme to undermine virginal American Culture and turn it into its opposite.

In this reading, the Frankfurt School originated around 1930 to come to theoretical grips with the failure of Communist Revolutions in the West to come to the aid of the beleaguered Bolshevik Revolution. Supposedly they concluded that workers in the West had been brainwashed and would need to be re-educated. The Class War was to change from the political to the cultural front.

But whatever the wet dreams of the Frankfurt School, they were precisely that, wet dreams. Rather than being a new diabolical scheme on the part of the Communists, the denizens of the Frankfurt School were divorced from the official Communist movement. Many had been expelled from their respective Communist parties.

The prevailing Stalinist orthodoxy of the actual, existing Communist movement had no truck with ‘sexual revolution’ which they considered counter-revolutionary. Communists of this time regarded homosexuality as a bourgeois decadent lifestyle. Stalinist morality was akin to the pre-Vatican II Roman Catholic Church. Sexual mores under Stalin were so strict that VD practically disappeared in the Soviet Union.

If the Regime of Political Correctness was not a Kremlin plot, where did it originate? Who corrupted virginal American Culture, turning it into its opposite? BORN IN THE USA!

That’s right! Born & bred in the USofA! As American paleoconservative historian Paul Gottfried details in his marvelous little book, THE STRANGE DEATH OF MARXISM, it mostly derives mostly from American social engineering and pluralist ideology which was then IMPOSED on Europe with the Yankee occupation following the Second World War. While called ‘cultural Marxism’, it has little or nothing to do with Marxism as an economic-historical theory.

While the erudite Professor Gottfried, who is Jewish, would be loathe to admit it, this gibes with what Francis Parker Yockey wrote in his 1949 PROCLAMATION OF LONDON establishing the European Liberation Front. Yockey angrily railed against the ethical syphilis of Hollywood and the spiritual leprosy of New York. The anti-Communist Francis Parker Yockey saw this as a greater threat to European Civilization than the Kremlin. Later, A.K. Chesterton would agree.

Back to Professor Gottfried: Contrary to the impression that the United States has taken anti-bourgeois attitudes from the Europeans, he argues exactly the opposite. To wit: Since the end of World War II, Europe has lived in the shadow of an American Empire that has affected the Old World, including its self-described anti-Americans.

This strange beast called ‘cultural Marxism’ differs from both Marxism in theory and Communism in practice. In fact, it’s not really interested in socialism at all. Rather, their project is social engineering from above. They are not enemies of capitalism per se. They want to integrate Western nation states into global organizations. They are for propping up what I term the ‘lumpen-bourgeoisie’ with state subsidies. The EU is a major instrument for this social experiment.

The decadent bourgeois adolescents who began this trend in Europe after 1968 focused on combating discrimination against women and immigrants and the marginalization of gays instead of the nationalization of the productive forces. Harping against racism, sexism, homophobia and the like, the REAL intent was to turn nation-states into branches of a global managerial regime, This gibes with the intent of the Global Financial Elite.

Likewise, the Greens moved into this orbit. They went from promoting environmentalism to promoting the filling up of Western countries with the Third World poor.

And all of this is akin to the Neo-Conservative project in the USA which derives from a mutant strain of Trotskyism.

Culture Distortion on a mass scale. They goes beyond the pygmies of the Frankfurt School.

The Election As Chicken Rotisserie

America is in steep decline and the real issues are dodged in the election campaign. Of course, that’s the purpose of USA elections: Offer voters the chance to let off steam. People get fed up and so the election comes along as a collective fart.

At all times, the System wants to make certain it’s not the target of voter angst. For if the System itself becomes the object of popular ire, then Americans might see that same system for what it is: Dictatorship by the Global Financial Elite.

So conveniently portable targets are put up at election time. These are the particularly obnoxious members of the majority party. Yesterday they were Republicans, today they are Democrats, and tomorrow they’ll be Republicans once again. They’re all inter-changeable and equally disposable.

The voters fart and popular wrath is temporarily eased. Then the steam builds up again as nothing really changes. Whether in Democratic or Republican hands, the American Congress will still be like how Winston Churchill described the French Parliament in the Thirties: one third were corrupt, one third were confused, and one third were too cynical to give a damn.

It’s true that often times the parties have to do a cosmetic makeover. Thus for the purposes of this particular election, every bottom feeder in the GOP camp turns up in the Tea Party mirage.

Nancy Pelosi is on the spit. Next election it will be John Boehner. And so it goes.

Tea Party Craps Out on Immigration

The decaying, fraying Official Left keeps debating whether the Tea Party movement is racist or not. The litmus test, apparently, rests on two attitudes: How much one loves Muslims and how one feels about illegal immigration. We’ll tackle the latter subject.

To be sure, the denizens of the Tea Party seem to have moved from ‘fiscal conservatism’ to immigration. But why is this concern racist? See how Mexico and South Africa treat their illegals.

Anyway, the Tea Party movement is a Johnny-come-lately to the whole immigration debate. The first stirrings in the late 1990s came from the progressive side of the ledger. Large chunks of the Sierra Club were concerned that too many immigrants–both legal and illegal–would permanently damage the US environment. They were guilt-tripped by the professional ‘anti-racism’ crowd and scorned by both the Wall Street Journal and the Chamber of Commerce.

Moreover, the Tea Party has evolved into the Republican Party in drag. This crowd’s collective lips were sealed shut during the 8 years of the the Bush-Cheney Junta. And they would have continued backing the Junta even if Dick Cheney had shot Dakota Fanning instead of a Texas fat cat as drunk as he was.

This Blog has stated repeatedly that we don’t feel the Tea Party is serious about illegal immigration. They have no program save having more states ape Arizona’s symbolic law. Well, kiss my ass and call me shorty.

A serious approach to sealing the border with Mexico means pulling an Army division out of Iraq and sending it to the border, period. But you can’t stop there. You have to jail and confiscate the wealth of those hiring illegals. If Fox News and the Wall Street Journal continue their opposition to effective border enforcement, then try Rupert Murdoch for treason. If the Chamber of Commerce continue their wrecking policies, sic the RICO laws on them.

The Tea Party is NOT a serious opposition to the System.

Tea Party Pisses Away A Chance

The Tea Party was supposed to be the breath of fresh air in American politics. The early Tea Party, mainly Ron Paul supporters, challenged the de facto one-party regime by waving placards demanding “Audit the FED!”

That was then, this is now.

Spurred on by de facto infomercials from Fox News–average age of viewer 65 years–the original Tea Party was flooded with Republican Party burn-outs. They had no coherent message except “Yikes! There’s a black guy in the White House!” Polls have shown this is the case.

Well-funded GOP astro-turf operations did the rest. All of a sudden, the likes of Dick Armey were promoted as Apostles of Liberty. Armey, who never saw a plutocrat he didn’t want to give a rim job to, came up with the moolah for the first big Tea Party demo in DC.

Now the Tea Party is cruising with the GOP for a big electoral victory in 2 weeks. Their goal? The type of government workers and students are fighting against in France. In American terms: Slop the hogs and lower the wage level.

I have my differences with Ron Paul. But he, at least, challenged the liberal-corporate state and asked the right questions. And he challenged the Neocons. (His semi-impotent son Rand Paul is wimping out on that).

The half-crazed Michele Bachmann, a corporate tax attorney by trade, started the Tea Party caucus in the House. She votes in favor of tax breaks for companies shipping jobs overseas but wants to euthanize Social Security.

Sarah Palin, like Bachmann, wants to reduce Federal spending without so much as even cutting back on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. They even want a new one against Iran, not to mention Pakistan. Since China won’t lend us the money with a blank check anymore, that leaves Social Security as the big piggy bank.

Another chance pissed away.

Working Class Blues

The Go-Go Sixties fed off the climax of the post-World War II boom. This boom came about as the result of the massive destruction of capital during the Second World War. The U.S. industrial plant was untouched and was greatly expanded by the war. That and forced savings put the U.S. in a position to help re-build Europe, in particular, so there’d be a market for American goods.

The boom lasted longer in the States because of Vietnam war spending. But the inevitable crash caught up to Uncle Sam by the middle of the 1970s. In fact, the Seventies started off with a series of wildcat strikes across the country as workers sought to defend themselves against the growing inflation. Then the crash came. It was the most severe downturn at that time since the the Great Depression of the Thirties.

The Seventies also saw an extended ‘bear market’ on Wall Street. This reflected the fact that business profits were half of what they were in the Sixties.

Business retaliated by launching what Doug Frazer, then President of the United Auto Workers, called a one-sided Class War against American workers.

The Nixon Regime got the ball rolling with open union busting. The National Labor Relations Boards and other organs of the State were stuffed with anti-labor cretins of the worse sort.

But the worst damage occurred in 1973 when the Free Trade Regime began. This would begin to place American workers in competition for their livelihood with every  coolie on the planet. The over-valued dollar of the Reagan Regime–a continuation of Jimmy Carter policies with Paul Volker at the FED–was the signal to start shipping increasing chunks of the American industrial plant over seas. The industrial working class literally started to be driven out of existence by “Morning in America.”

The increasing inflation of the Nixon years caused the massive entry of women into the workforce. This was motivated less by feminist ideology than by sheer economic necessity. Be that as it may, it had a depressing effect on overall wages.

Liberals had achieved their wet dream of overhauling the immigration laws in 1965. But they were forced to limit overall immigration numbers to 250,000 per year. But that went out the window with the onset of the Reagan Regime. In a payback to Reagan’s agribusiness supporters, the border with Mexico was no longer guarded very well. Reagan’s successor, the first Bush, would raise ‘legal immigration’ to 1,000,000 per year. The impact on wages was devastating; black workers suffered most of all.

Save the Working Class to Save America! There can be no economic recovery without restoring our manufacturing base. The only taxes that should be raised are tariffs. This would mean going back to the American System of Alexander Hamilton, Henry Clay and Abraham Lincoln. This means reading Friedrich List instead of Milton Friedman. This means guarding the border with a division of troops brought home from overseas. This means a drastic curtailment of immigration. Nationalizing the FED and hanging a few bankers would send a good signal. So would repudiating the debt rung up by Dubya and Obama.

Do I hear silence from both Democrats & Republicans? Silence as well from the Tea Party which has become the GOP in drag.