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Will the New World Order Chance Civil War Two?

Will the New World Order chance Civil War Two? Thomas Chittum seems to think this is the case. Here are some excerpts from Chittum in December 2008:

The Midwest is often referred to as America’s “Heartland.” That’s simply not the case. The real heartland of our empire is the east coast from Virginia up north to the Canadian border. Why? Because that’s where the members of the American establishment actually live. I am speaking of the so-called “blue bloods” who belong to the Pilgrims Society. They go to school at the so-called Ivy League schools, all of which are on the east coast. Our two main centers of colonial control are also in this region–New York for finance and Washington DC for colonial administration.

As America sinks deeper and deeper into nonstop food riots, the blue blood establishment will likely adopt a triage system designed to preserve their historic homeland and essentially abandon other regions. They will have no choice due to lack of military resources necessary to suppress escalating riots and tribal uprisings of all sorts. California will simply be too “expensive” to hold onto in military terms.

Another factor. Relatively few American blacks desire an independent black nation on American soil. (The Nation of Islam is a significant exception to this rule.) Mexican-Americans are a different case entirely. The entire American Southwest was gotten from Mexico by outright military conquest which was preceded by white immigration into these areas. Now history is running in reverse thanks to massive Mexican immigration into the Southwest. If the Hispanic street gangs in California adopt political goals in the form of a longing for “Aztlan,” they will instantly be transformed from cowardly criminal gangs into determined military formations. Criminals run from the police but soldiers stand their ground and fight.

Also, the establishment may well decide to help spark off the war in California to promote their larger global agenda. Their agenda includes tribal war all over the globe. Arabs, Asians and Hispanics can all be depicted as credible enemies. Black Americans don’t make credible enemies and black Africans in Africa don’t either. In military and economic terms they don’t have squat and therefore are a hard sell as make believe enemies. That’s not the case with Asians, Arabs and Hispanics. Fulfillment of establishment schemes requires looting of everything south of the Rio Grande and subsequent depopulation exactly like we are now doing in the Middle East. From the establishment point of view why not start our inevitable civil war in our Southwest?


About mauryk2

Vietnam veteran. Succeeded Jeff Sharlett as editor of VIETNAM GI, 1st anti-war paper put out by Nam vets. Edited RAP!, underground paper at Ft Benning. Until retirement from Postal Service, put out the POSTAL HARDHITTER, another underground newsletter. Presently, I'm a free lance writer.

One response to “Will the New World Order Chance Civil War Two?

  1. John ⋅

    “Black Americans don’t make credible enemies and black Africans in Africa don’t either. In military and economic terms they don’t have squat and therefore are a hard sell as make believe enemies. That’s not the case with Asians, Arabs and Hispanics.”

    That would seem to imply the people they are selling to will be white or predominantly white. You misread your enemies. They really don’t care if whites are exterminated, they think it has nothing to do with them, if it comes right down to it they’ll just shoot out the lights, grab the cash and run. They certainly have no interest in maintaining a “heartland” on the east coast, they’re dong the opposite now, flooding it with third-worlders, there’s no reason to think they’ll do anything else in the future. They couldn’t even if they wanted to, which they don’t since they are essentially stateless – their homeland is their economic and social class.

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