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Yockey & Russia

Nothing separated Francis Parker Yockey more from the primitive-minded American Right than his position on Russia (& the USSR). Yet it’s essential to his thought & practice. Dr K R Bolton, in this essay from the late 1990s, provides the necessary overview. Dr Bolton is a Far Right, conservative and Social Credit researcher based in New Zealand. The entire essay can be downloaded at Kerry Bolton Collection.

YOCKEY & RUSSIA by Dr K R Bolton (excerpts)

Russia is pregnant with meaning for our own time. The actions of Russia are pivotal for the future of civilization against the globalizing tendencies of the USA and international finance capitalism. Russia has undergone a brief interregnum of subordinate status to liberal-democracy and oligarchy inaugurated by Gorbachev and maintained by Yeltsin. The rise of Putin was something of a partial coup at least against plutocracy and globalism.

American-born Western Destiny philosopher Francis Parker Yockey was one of the seminal Thinkers to ascertain the situation of Russia from the perspective of realpolitik at a time when the American Right was serving globalizing and cosmopolitan interests by lining up behind the US Establishment to beat the war drums against the USSR with the the advent of the Cold War.

Yockey from the start of his post-war ideology seems to have considered Russia to be very much of secondary concern in relation to the liberation and destiny of Europe, in contrast to the USA. The first was seen as representing the crass impacting on material existence; the second as a virus eating at the very soul of Europe through pervasive culture distortion.

Yockey reiterates that Russian occupation of Europe would be less harmful than American. Like the barbarian invasions of other Civilizations, Yockey believed that the superior Western culture would be resistant to military occupation and the Russians would eventually succumb to a symbiotic relationship, which would open the way for the European culture-bearing stratum to infiltrate the Soviet bloc at all levels and into the Kremlin itself. The occupation of Europe by Russia would not result in Russification, but the Europeanization of Russia resulting in a peaceful new Europe-Russia Symbiosis.

Another significant positive factor Yockey saw in Russian occupation in preference to America, is that Soviet occupation would mean the elimination of the inner-traitor, the class of politicians epitomized by Churchill, who while being part of the Western cultural inheritance, acted against European interests.

Yockey correctly perceived that the USSR had changed orientation since the ouster of Trotsky. He correctly identified two ‘bolshevisms’ in the sense that ‘bolshevism’ in Yockean terms means an attack on the Western cultural organism: that of Moscow and that based in Washington and New York. He saw the militaristic ‘bolshevism’ of ‘Russian barbarism’ as less dangerous in the long term to the Western cultural organism than the ‘cultural bolshevism’ emanating from America.

On hindsight it would seem that the Yockeans of the time underestimated the power of Culture Distortion. One needs only to consider the global ramifications of George Soros for creating a subversive network pushing everything from the ‘color revolutions’ in the former Soviet bloc and elsewhere to feminism and marijuana liberalization. Soros would today be considered by Yockey as perfectly epitomizing the Culture Distorter.

Yockey however was correct in considering the enduring religious and land-based soul of the Russian, as virile and ultimately having the potential to throw off this global spiritual and cultural contagion. Russia is yet to fulfill an historical mission that might liberate the Western Cultural organism and create a new symbiosis of Russia and Europe (and those cultural colonies further afield) predicted by Yockey but on terms that would now recognize the Russian People-Culture-Nation-State as by no means inferior to that of the West.

About mauryk2

Vietnam veteran. Succeeded Jeff Sharlett as editor of VIETNAM GI, 1st anti-war paper put out by Nam vets. Edited RAP!, underground paper at Ft Benning. Until retirement from Postal Service, put out the POSTAL HARDHITTER, another underground newsletter. Presently, I'm a free lance writer.

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