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Nationalist Alternative

At a time in America when libertarians & Republican burn-outs have hi-jacked the resistance to the Obama regime–their main ploy is to storm townhall meetings running interference for the insurance industry–a breath of fresh air has come out of Australia called Nationalist Alternative. Their example is worth looking at.

Nationalist Alternative forthrightly states:
“We are a grouping of political activists who aim at finding and developing an alternative to the excesses, social unrest, greed, despair and arrogance that exists in our society. Rather than pursue traditional ‘left-wing’ or ‘right-wing’ paths . . . we centre our ideology on the welfare and needs of the Australian people.”

Contrast that with “movement conservatives” in this country who have as their heroine the dreadful Margaret Thatcher. It was thatcher who declared “There is no such thing as society.” Do libertarians & Republicans believe this? If so, they are traitors to the American dream! and, believe it or not, are de facto fellow travelers of Obama!

By contrast, Nationalist Alternative declares:
“The primary aim of Nationalist Alternative is to reaffirm Australian cultural and national identity and restore the sovereignty and independence of the Australian nation.

“We wish to rebuild our communities and restore a sense of self esteem, self reliance, hope and celebration of our Western European heritage . . . We reject the self hate, shame and guilt projected onto ourselves and taught to our children about the European identity and achievements.”

Can you image the likes of Mitt Romney or Newt Gingrich saying something like this? Of course not! They’re one with Obama in this regard.

And can you imagine the New World Order acolytes at Fox News and their pet pinhead Glenn Beck saying what Nationalist Alternative says:

“Our vision of Australia is one of an organic nation, founded upon Western/European ideals, and created by it’s descendants primarily the Anglo-Saxon-Celtic ethnicity as well as fellow Europeans from northern,  central, southern and eastern Europe.

“We reject the modern liberal trend towards destruction of sovereign identity to create a faceless mass of consumers whose country exists as nothing more than an economy.”

Instead, “our” libertarians & conservatives are focused on being “birthers.”

The National Renaissance Party builds on the example of Nationalist Alternative!


About mauryk2

Vietnam veteran. Succeeded Jeff Sharlett as editor of VIETNAM GI, 1st anti-war paper put out by Nam vets. Edited RAP!, underground paper at Ft Benning. Until retirement from Postal Service, put out the POSTAL HARDHITTER, another underground newsletter. Presently, I'm a free lance writer.

2 responses to “Nationalist Alternative

  1. gundoctor ⋅

    “The primary aim of Nationalist Alternative is to reaffirm Australian cultural and national identity and restore the sovereignty and independence of the Australian nation.

    “We wish to rebuild our communities and restore a sense of self esteem, self reliance, hope and celebration of our Western European heritage . . . We reject the self hate, shame and guilt projected onto ourselves and taught to our children about the European identity and achievements.”

    That is basiclly what the true conservitives are saying. That includes Glenn Beck. No one wants a new world order all we want is state sovereignty and the government out of our day to day lives. Let them take care of the infrastucture and national security and stay out of my life. Our government is meant to work for us not against us like we see today. Those of us who choose to attend townhall meetings are there to give our opinion of this crappy healthcare bill they are trying to ram down our throats. The insurence companies have nothing to do with why we attend these meetings. We are there to make our individual voices heard. I’m sorry but I find your weak point of view on this hollow and uninformed. Infact you appear very much liberal party line extreemist to me.

    • mauryk2 ⋅

      We are Third Position and Revolutionary Nationalists. That hardly qualifies us as a ‘liberal extremist party’. You say you want to re-build infrastructure in this country. You won’t be able to do it under Glenn Beck economics. Like his paymasters at Fox, he embraces Grover Norquist’s wet dream of repealing the New Deal through the back door by starving the Federal government of revenue. By contrast, we support the American System of Alexander Hamilton and Henry Clay, which was also embraced by Lincoln. Glenn Beck’s economics would also prevent a strong national defense. Like the saintly Ron Paul, h e would have a Coast Guard bigger than the Navy with what few Marines left would be relegated to guarding brigs. Also, conservatism is incompatible with nationalism. Your choice!

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